The UVoyage Animation Series is a district-approved creation project where UHS students collaborate in teams to script, design, develop, animate, and advertise a 5 part animation series over a 5 year period and implement it throughout the UCFSD Elementary schools to promote the UCFSD Portrait of a Graduate school themes of Be Inspired to Learn, Succeed in Life, Contribute to Society, Take Care of Yourself, and Build Your Character. This animation series will be developed and critiqued by an elementary student and staff team, with the end product being distributed throughout elementary school curricula.


Benefits of the Team

  • 10-25 NHS Hours
  • Competitive extracurricular for college
  • Learn self-learning, leadership, and teamwork
  • Learn visual design, sound design, writing, or marketing
  • Learn key skills in Blender3D, Procreate, and ProcreateDreams
  • Connect with others in the Unionville Chadds Ford School District
  • Have a lot of fun
  • Technology

    We use several tools to make the animations. Blender3D and Kinemaster are free, while Procreate and Procreate Dreams are relatively inexpensive.


    Backgrounds and 3D models are made in Blender3D.


    Procreate encompasses character illustration and special effects.

    Procreate Dreams

    Procreate Dreams is where scenes are animated.


    Kinemaster is used for rigging and supplemental motion.